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Dear Sisters and Brothers,

As many of you may know, the superintendent of schools sent a letter to you this past week. This letter is an aberration from protocols for a superintendent. It is not the role of a superintendent to address members of a union in this forum on the issue of negotiations.

The Executive Board and negotiations team oppose this weak attempt to disrespect and manipulate the very educators that provide dedicated instruction and support to the students in Hempstead Public Schools. This is clearly a union-busting tactic to cast doubt, cause division, and meddle in union affairs just as the Fact-Finding proceedings are coming to a close.

Ask yourself: What is her motivation? Do you know her to be a leader that is concerned about your salary and the needs of your family? If that were true, we would have a contract with wage increases and benefits comparable to educators in neighboring districts.

Much of what was shared in the letter is a mischaracterization of the truth and misleading. We are saddened and disappointed that a former HCTA member who made it the position of superintendent would resort to this level to divide our union. We will not allow this.

The Executive Board and negotiations team have been transparent since day one. We will continue to work tirelessly to bring an agreement that is fair to ALL HCTA members. As always, the Executive Board and I are available to you if you want to discuss the claims made in the letter.

We are One union! Stay encouraged, stay strong, and stay united. We need to show our unity. #UnitedWeStandDividedWeFall