Date Posted

A Message from President Nicole Brown

Dear Sisters and Brothers,
In addition to coming back to school next week, we also celebrate Labor Day. This holiday celebrates everyone who works, from people with fancy titles to those whose jobs are often forgotten. We also celebrate the rights and freedoms that we have on the job.

As union members, many of these rights and freedoms have been fought for through years of struggle. For teachers, many of our rights in New York were achieved through job actions and strikes that often got nasty. Unlike stories of battles between labor and management from the 1800s, these teacher strikes happened only a few decades ago.

Here in Hempstead, we continue the fight. Our fight for a new contract continues and we will not give in until a fair agreement is reached. This Labor Day, I urge all of our members to recommit to the fight for fairness and justice and I hope that will join me this year in pushing our district to work with us not against us.