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Our VOTE COPE funds are actively supporting our belief in the value of public schools and addressing issues that directly impact our professions. Your advocacy efforts have secured legislative wins in Albany, but there's more to accomplish. Help sustain this work by making an annual donation to VOTECOPE and take action on school-related issues through NSYUT's Member Action Center (MAC). Our Recent Victories:

APPR – After a decade-long process of negotiations and advocacy, education stakeholders and the State Education Department reached an agreement to return teacher evaluations to local control. This bill returns dignity and respect to the teaching profession and recognizing that teacher evaluations are best handled on a local level.

Foundation Aid - The state Legislature approved a $237 billion spending plan which helped restore funds for school districts and provides for the revitalization and modernization of SUNY Downstate, a major medical school and research hospital that cares for Brooklyn’s underserved populations. 

Retirement Security for Members in Tier 6 - Thanks to NYSUT activism, we won the biggest win for pension reform in 20 years. This lowers the Final Average Salary calculation from five to three years for Tier 6 members. Since members usually earn more later in their careers, a three-year calculation instead of a five-year calculation means more money every year in retirement.

Teacher Centers- $14.3 million in funding for teacher centers. These centers are state-funded professional development tools for all school districts, and they are essential to guiding educators through multiple instructional approaches and instructional technologies. We will continue to fight for full funding restoration.

Science of Reading - The budget includes $10 million toward professional learning for an estimated 20,000 teachers in the Science of Reading instructional best practices. 

School Temperatures - This bill establishes a maximum temperature in school buildings and facilities. When temperatures in our schools reach between 82 degrees and 87 degrees, administration will be required to determine how to address high-heat conditions.

Visit for more information on these and other legislative wins.


New Legislation Impacts Members

Three pieces of legislation impacting NYSTRS members were recently enacted as part of the state budget. The first piece of legislation extends the suspension of the earnings limit for NYSTRS retirees who return to work at a public school district or BOCES. The second and third affect the benefits of Tier 6 members: a two-year extension of the change to the employee contribution rate for Tier 6 members to be determined based solely on base wages for the 2025 and 2026 fiscal years; and a change to the definition of final average salary (FAS) for Tier 6 members to determine retirement benefits. Go to for more information.